Mar 14, 2022 2nd National Roundtable Discussion took place in Philippines, Coron on March 7-11, 2022 a and resulted one of the biggest offline events in Post-COVID time. The Conference had two parts: the 2nd National Round Table Discussion and two workshops. These activities were delivered via the Training the Trainers approach so that the knowledge can be replicated/cascaded to future audiences and beyond in the later stage of the project. The 2nd NRTD served as a preparation for drafting of the “Policy Roadmap for the Implementation of Strategies in the Internationalization of Higher Education in the Philippines”. The topics of the working groups for the Second National Round Table have been selected in accordance with the background of the Philippine Higher Education Internationalization Roadmap, its objectives and expected results and the ANTENA general project objective: to increase the academic quality and research of universities in the Philippines through the development of internationalization capacities. ANTENA’s specific objectives were also related to the National Round Table topic, in particular the specific objective number 2, which aims: To consolidate an internationalization structure and build the human capacities of HEIs by means of target training programs in 10 HEIs. To accompany the governance reforms of CHED and enhance international networking through strategic actions in key areas of the Philippine higher education system. Workshops under the ANTENA Programme were focused on key aspects of the internationalization of Philippine HEIs. Workshop 3 (Fundraising Opportunities and Project Management) provided shared knowledge and good practices on the identification of funding opportunities for international projects. The seminar offered insights on the opportunities available to develop projects and financial procedures that lead to efficient project implementation. The conference ended with a coordination meeting for all partners and discussion of future ANTENA project activities. As soon as COVID-19 restrictions were simplified, ANTENA Project´s Partners were extremely eager to organise an event offline and reunite in order to contribute to the reform on the Internationalization of Higher Education in the Philippines at institutional and national level.